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International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA) - Deadline January 13

10 Jan 2017 8:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As the leading organization overseeing the coordination of uniformity of commercial motor vehicle safety enforcement and regulatory compliance across Canada, the United States and Mexico, CVSA recognizes the exceptional careers of professional commercial motor vehicle drivers and their commitment to public safety through its International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA).

This annual award recognizes individuals who go above and beyond the performance of their duties as a commercial vehicle driver, distinguishing themselves conspicuously and beyond the call of duty through the achievement of safe operation and compliance carried out with evident distinction for an extended period of time. The nominated individual must be of personal character beyond reproach with no disqualifying past behavior, as indicated in the IDEA award criteria.

For more information, go to http://cvsa.org/program/programs/idea/.

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